Thursday, September 15, 2011

Theoretical Teenage Prankster

In theory...

The first true-tell sign of fall happened last night.  Our trees blossomed in white.  Not our trees, actually, as we have no trees, and even our bushes did not bloom, but the trees all over our part of town.  (For the record, we got WW'd last year and it is definitely a mark of honor here, so that's nice for Beanie.)

Here's a quick picture I took on the way to work:

Isn't that nice?

This happens every fall where I live, on the Wednesday prior to Homecoming.  It's a tradition, one that the kids (and the grown-ups, actually) call "White Wednesday."  The baby does actually believe that the trees sprout toilet paper once a year.

So let me give you a theoretical situation.

Say that, theoretically, you were out for a quick run at 9:30 p.m. last night.  Say that you pass about a dozen or so White Wednesday revelers, mostly giggly, cheerleader-type teenage girls.  Say that you approach one group just getting started.

Say that, theoretically, you stop to admire their work in process, and then you just can't stand to be left out.  Say that you say, "hey, let me throw one."

Say that the kids give you a roll, and you hurl it up towards a tree limb, of which the paper falls short, embarrassingly.

Say that you mumble, "thank you, I suck," and continue to run.

Of course I am not saying any of these things happened, you know, because White Wednesdaying people is illegal.

But say that it did... theoretically...

Would this not make you the coolest 35 year old runner/mom/girl ever?

I think so.

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