Thursday, September 29, 2011

Potty-mouthed Buddy

Look.  I'm all about "togetherness" and being "nice" and other such nonsense.  Honest to God, I'm a really sweet person.


I mean to say, I try to do right most of the time.

But I am still awfully, awfully fond of the "eff" word.

Eff you, you effing eff is possibly my favorite thing to say, although for some reason, I'm actually having a tough time typing that out for real right now.

The eff word hurts NOBODY.  NOBODY.  NOBODY, I SAY.

Anyway, so I went on an outing with my coworker team yesterday, and it was fun, and it culminated in a whole bunch of people all lounging around on a boat.  Which is very, very booyah.

And so, so, so many cuss words were bandied about, and it was glorious.



Additionally, I got an email from my favorite recent-college-graduate (one of two, actually), that was post-scripted with "Sent from my iPad."

I responded with a message, blah blah blah, and then ended with this:

"I like 'sent from my iPad.'  It's like saying, 'BTW, I am the shit.' at the end of every email."

She liked that.  I like HER.  I am also very validated by the approval I am getting from this member of the Next Generation, a Generation that studied in Athens, GA, I mean, come ON.

I'm hipster-friendly.

EFFING hipster-friendly.

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