Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Thunderstorm Complainer

The weather today is SHHHIIIIIIIIITTTTTTYYYY, and I'm super exhausted, because it started last night.  At about 9:00, I'm like, "Oh, wonder what is that rumble sound I'm hearing," and the cat was acting like an alien, and then suddenly the sky fell out and a massive thunderstorm rolled through.

"This is nice," I thought.  I could hear the rain (falls, angry) on the tin roof, and I thought, how soothing, and I went to bed.

And then I went to sleep, but at around 10:00, with a crazy cat all up in my face, there was a whole nother round of KABOOOM and FLASH FLASH FLASH, and so I woke up.  As did I another hour later.  And one after that.

It was the lightening, primarily, which woke me up, rather than the thunder, which I find interesting.

But the end result is the same, which is to say, I'm a big fat tired sumbitch.

And my cat is afraid of thunder.

And I didn't run, because it was raining and disgusting.

But you know what?

There's always bacon.

Happy Wednesday.  Let's hope it gets a little drier.  And warmer.  And less sleepy.

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