Well. So. I have had a cat for pretty much my entire life, unless you don't count the times wherein I've had more than one cat.
Priscilla (Presley) moved into my home in the fall of 2004. Before I got married, before the baby was even considered. When she moved in, she was already several years old. Pretty sure this year made 16, for her.
Pretty cat, a bit overweight, mostly a good attitude. At times, she would completely lose her shit and bite me, but only me, never the boys.
Much of her life these last several years was spent sitting near enough to me to be within earshot. She didn't necessarily want to be ON my lap, but she definitely knew where I was, all the time.
When she was a bit younger, she would bother to, you know, lift her head. If ham was a possibility. Cat digs ham.
About 2 years ago, she was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer. Make no mistake, that big sucks, but if your cat has to get cancer, this is the way to go. She had to have medicine every day, to calm her overactive thyroid down, which we smashed up and put into wet cat food. Fatty did NOT mind.
It worked pretty well, for a long time. But... in the last few months, we have noticed a decline. For one thing, her whole back half hurt and she would fuss you if you touched it. For another, the goiter in her neck had gotten to be about the size of... what? I don't know. between grape and golf ball. Use your imagination.
The vet was all, "hey, pay $4000 and get her surgery," or "hey, pay $4000 and get her irradiated." I was all, "hey, that's crazy talk."
Lately, she started having pain when she pooped. Know how I know? It made her cry.
So there really was only one okay thing to do.
She went to sleep forever on Saturday. I was talking to her, petting her at the time. Beanie was there, too.
She crapped on my leg when the first sedative kicked in. I like that she got to still make me her bitch.
It was sad. She'll be missed. I cried like a bitch. She has long been one of my very best friends.
She washed my face every night (gross.), including Friday night. I'll miss that.
The baby was looking forward to making a list of instructions for God for her, but then he forgot, as he should. He is five. And besides, we gave him a distraction...
This is Rosie, Rosanna (Arquette). She's pretty fucking cute. She's no Sparklecat, but she has potential...
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