Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Little Lush

You know how to guarantee that I will have a good birthday?  Give me beer.  A LOT of beer.

It was a great weekend, though, seriously.  I came really damn close to maintaining a buzz, straight through.

Friday night, I don't even remember.  I know I drank beer.  I don't remember doing anything else, so I think I probably just watched television.  Who cares?  It was fun.

Saturday, we went to Baton Rouge to watch my nephew's dance recital, which was outstanding.  Some of the dances were really remarkable, and some of them were adorable, and yes, a few were a little boring, but my very funny brother sat next to me and made me giggle.

And we got there in time for a beer before the big show.

And then we went to my brother's house, and drank more.  Oh, glorious.

And my brother fried fish and potatoes and hush puppies, and it was the Best Dinner Ever.  Yum.

On Sunday, I had to get up early for church, but that was all right.  After church, I felt a little groggy and a little hungover, so I ate some Taco Bell and took a nap, and then my friend Melissa called to ask us to come over and sit by her pool and drink daquiris.  Yes, please.  Hair o' the dog.

The baby and I sat over there for about six straight hours.  It was so, so, so fucking nice.

And then there was Sister Wives and Mad Men.  You know what is better than a Sunday?  NOTHING.

Monday was about chilling out, doing some house work, stuff like that.  And then my mother called and asked us over for a boat ride and to cook out.  Yes, please.  And so we did that.

And drank beer.

Tell me what could better?  Not a goddamn thing.

It's awfully nice to turn 32.

My name is Sarah, and I have a good life.  A good, good life.

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