Wednesday, April 11, 2012

College Mama, Almost

The Bean is going to college.

This fat little baby:

(good heavens.  what a cute-heart.)

has turned into this boy, this incredible, sweet boy:

(good heavens.  still such a cute-heart.)

It happened so fast.  I mean, not that anybody else in the whole world has EVER experienced a child growing up on us, I mean, come on, but it's still tough to believe he's going to be going away so soon.  I'm not ready.  But he is.

Kid's going to be a Lion.  My tiger-ass self is coming to terms with that.  Could be worse.  He could have chosen Bama.  And then I'd have to disown him.  And I don't want to do that, because I think this is the kid that will be changing my colostomy bag when I'm 77 years old.

Today, he and my father are at Freshman Orientation, becoming oriented.  My formerly-professional-student-like father sent me the following text message:

Orientation going well.  Makes me want to enroll.  Sams dept head seems really cool
Awwwww, sha.  How cute would that be, my Bean of a boy and his Opa, all colleging together?  My dad has one of his degrees from SELU, so it must feel a little familiar to him.  Me, not so much.  I've never even set foot on that campus.

I've spent some time looking at the housing options, the meal plans.  Did you know that college kids today get free internet and basic cable.  Little punkasses.  I had to pay for my cable.they also get, like, a debit card onto which their parents can pour their income, and with which the little shits can buy Pizza Hut and do their laundry.


I had to save up $10 of beer money to do my laundry.  So obviously that meant that I would only do laundry like once a month.  My roommates hated me.

That's another thing- I lived in a room with two other girls.  Beanie has potential to get into the Honors Dorm, ensuring him a private room.  What the everloving fuck is that?  Not that I'm willing to pay for a private room, mind you.  But still! 

Tomorrow, he goes back for another day of this stuff, all by himself.  I hope he likes it.  I can't believe he's going to be gone so soon.  I mean, it's 45 whole minutes away!  My baby...  My baby is getting all grown up!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! Nuh-uh! What the hell?!

    Also, when did skinny little kiddoo get the broad shoulders?

    He's the first baby I really knew and the first 5 year-old I really enjoyed talking to.

    Aw. :(
