Monday, April 23, 2012

Beach Bunny. As per usual.

Turn your head to the left.  Like, as if you were laying down.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to edit these picturs, so you are stuck looking at them sideways.  Life's tough.  Like, for example, I am super-tan but it is chilly out today so I can't show off my tan lines.  FIRST WORLD PROBLEM.

Anyway, so this weekend, here's what we did.

Friday night.  Pizza, wine, boat.  My dad bought a new boat, a sun-something, catcher or craft or something, and it's a pontoon boat.  A party boat.  Sorry, but it is.  And yes, I am bragging. 

My mother asked me and the teens to go for a "cruise," on the boat at sunset.  Which is to say, around the canals all around her neighborhood, largely cooing over enormous houses we wouldn't mind owning.

(turn your head)
 oh, hey, look.  Blogger rotated the pictures for us.  Lucky us.  This is my mom driving.  She drove for like, ten minutes, then handed the wheel over to an eight year old boy who drove largely with his feet.  Boat is two days old.  Just saying.
 The teens were not fighting, although it looks like they were.  Boat rides at sunset with pizza and wine are nice. 

Saturday, we did nothing.  Like, I went to CVS and stuff, but mostly stayed in pajamas all day and watched Lifetime and read books and knitted.  I've got some socks under commission, and I want to finish them so I can start quilting again.  I know.  We'll see.

But seriously, very veg-out day, the kind of day where I ate an avocado for supper (and loved it, of course.)

On Sunday, the kids and I went to church, as we do, and then rushed home because the baby and I were planning to go to the beach with T-Rex.  Yes, the T-Rex from work.  So we threw a few waters and diet cokes in the cooler and put on our swimwear.

For the record, I recently purchased new swimwear, but it's not in yet, and this is a very good thing because the bathing suit I wore yesterday is seriously at least 10 years old, and so ratty you can see the elastic in it.  I have another suit, too, but it's too big.  Hah!  Bitch.

Anyway, so we were at the beach for about three hours.  During which T-Rex and I laid there, trying to not expend any more energy than necessary, while Doodlebug did this:

Not kidding, sand ended up in some really unusal places on that boy.  The kids' bathtub looked like the beach after his bath.  But so totally worth it.

I love the beach.

When we were done, T-Rex mentioned Outback, and it was on.  We went to my house, everybody cleaned up a little bit, and we went out to eat.  Shoved more food than was at all appropriate down our yaps, and then called it a night.

I went home, put on pajamas, bathed the kid, and settled in for some iPod Book Listening until it was time for Mad Men.  And then I admired my non-sunburn, and put some lotion (on it's skin, or else it gets the hose again.):  

 Sorry for the unintentionally sort of sexy shot.  Seriously.  Also, I have a lot of wrinkles in my neck.

About half way through Mad Men, I migrated to my room, where I watched the latter half before falling into the kind of sleep you can only have after a day in the sun. 

Talk about a pretty much perfect Sunday, wouldn't you say?  Not a horrible weekend, overall...

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