Reasons why I enjoy being no-longer-married:
- I can lie down sideways on my bed.
- Nobody gives me any shit for my love of "Dance Moms." Except Beanie, but the hell with him.
- Toilet paper lives ON the roll.
- Speaking of toilet paper, we go through like half as much as we used to go through. I DO NOT KNOW WHY.
- On nights when the big kid has youth group, I only have to really feed the baby, since I'm not huge on eating, anyway. So bologna sandwiches!
- Back to the bathroom, only girls use my bathroom. FAR LESS WIPING DOWN OF THE TOILET.
- Wine.
- Seven o'clock damn well is bedtime, if I say it is.
- 1/2 the laundry. None of it smells like Not-House-of-Pancakes.
- Old friends. Some of whom may or may not be male. All of whom really do make me smile.
- I can hang up any god damn art where I choose.
- My groceries now live where they ought.
- If I want a lighter, there is likely to be one in my pocket. And in my purse. And in my car.
- Pretty undies? Sure. Pretty jammies? Oh, fuck that.
- Girls, you want to talk on the phone, you just call me. Some boy will want my attention, but I can prioritize differently, now.
- Beanie knows how to use the grill, so it's all good.
- Corn without butter.
- No leftover clam chowder in the sink. Ick.
- Socks are all in the hampers. ALL of them.
Things I can do without:
- Killing bugs. I can do this, but it sucks.
- Putting gas in the car. It sucks.
- Paying the bills. It sucks.
- Fixing broken shit. Like doorknobs. Sucks.
- Better not puke. Nobody to hold my hair.
I think I'll keep working on this list. I'll update it as I think of things.
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