1. So we have this "bookkeeper," and I use that term loosely because I know for a fact that she has never been to college and thus is certainly NOT an accountant. Furthermore, she sucks. BUT, she is really a nice, sweet, and smart lady, she just doesn't give a shit, so she does whatever she wants. Which, you know, is lame.
So here's the thing. I have not the best history with handling my personal finances so much, but... I am one mean motherfucker when it comes to accounting. You know, at the work. I love it. LOVE LOVE LOVE it, and I am a hardass and I make everything BALANCE.
Except that one time, when I missed a million dollars on an accrual, but man... who cares. That was at a company where a million dollars was Not That Big of a Deal and I didn't lose my job, so. Yeah. Doesn't count.
Anyway, at my current place d'emploi, I have proven to be a better bookkeepr than our actual one, in that I know how to work Quickbooks and show up more frequently than once every two or three weeks. And that I care.
Thing is, we pay this lady like $50 an hour or some such nonsense. I have told the Boss Person that I will be happy to do her responsibilities, thus saving us like $350 each month, but... don't you think that some of that bank ought to be rolled over to my pocket? Just saying...
So we will see. In the meantime, four days a week (minimum), I am the go-to gal for the finances 'round here. And I do a kickass job.
2. What the fuck is Pinterest? Everybody keeps talking about it, and I have one and stuff, but holy crap, y'all, do I find that boring. Um, so it's a place where I can keep recipes? Thanks, but the recipes I cook with are printed right there on the box, so I'm good.
And some of my lovely friends have admitted an addiction to pinterest, and I just don't get it. I love you people, but... I don't really need the recipes.
Now, if it was only funny cat pictures, we would be in luck.
You can save those, too! Pinterest lets you sort everything and keep it organized in certain places. Crafts, videos (including YouTube), LOLcats (including the picture above).... anything and everything!! That is why I love it! I'm crafty, it gives me ideas. I need recipes/ideas, I just look it up there. I need an outfit idea, I look for it there. Need a laugh, I find it there. TaDa! :)
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