Wednesday, February 19, 2014

College Enemy-Maker

I don't even know what to talk to you people person about.  I am So Boring.  So, I think I'll tell a college story, instead.

I was a sorority girl.  Shocking, I know, but I deliberately chose a crappy, smaller sorority, one that was known for partying and one that was, although I didn't know it, imminently in danger of losing its charter at the end of my freshman year.  Which it did.  We all went alum.  Me, I thought it was great, because I was drunk the whole year, and nobody brought me before standards, and I was knocked up by the end of the spring term but got to go alum before anybody could kick me out like they did to Penny, who got CAUGHT WITH A BOY IN HER ROOM.  Poor Penny.

Anyway, so I was a little tiny yankee in a gaggle of big-haired southern girls, all of whom were at least six months older than me.  Note:  I'm not really a yankee, but I went to high school in Connecticut, where I learned how to play lacross and field hockey, which are both stupid games, although the uniforms for field hockey involve a plaid skirt and knee-high socks.  That shit is cute.

Anyway, so there was ONE OTHER GIRL in the whole sorority who was also from New England.  Her name was Stacy, and I swear to God, I think she was probably the most fun in our sorority.  However, she hated me.  HATED ME.  It was visceral, and I think it was chemical, because I did not deserve her wrath, truly.  I wanted nothing more than to be as cool as Stacy was.  

In efforts to get her into Team Sarah, I tried to be witty and awesome.  One time, she mentioned that she had been out all night, the night before, dancing on the "beach," which is a strip of dirty sand between two of LSU's lakes.  I was young enough for that to have sounded AHMAZINGOHMGOSHAWESOME, so I tried to join the convo.  "I want to be like you.  All 'fuck the world - but use a condom.'"  In retrospect, I fully understand that she basically heard me call her a whore, but that is not at all what I meant.  I meant, I want to be free-spirited, to do what I want, to live life to the fullest...  but no.  Also, I was probably drunk.

Anyway, she went hot-red in the face.  "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY," she spat at me.  Terrified - mind you, I was little, very young, and drunk - and Stacy wasn't a tiny petite girl, although she was short.  She definitely could kick my ass - I go, "um... fuck... the world but... use a condom?  You know, because it's awesome..."  and she came at me.  Fists a'flying.

I'd have just taken my ass-kicking, but my Extremely Conservative Southern Baptist Naturally Curly-Haired Big Sis (and she brushed her curls into a fluff of frizz every day, god love her), uncharacteristically jumped in between us.  "YOU WILL LEAVE MY LIL SIS* ALONE," she shouted.  Pretty much everybody else in the room froze and stared, including me.  Including Stacy.  "SHE DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT AND NOBODY WILL BEAT UP MY LIL SIS*."

I mean, seriously.  Wendy got pissy if you turned the channel while she was watching Days.  She was a wimp.  She was the kind of person that we freaked out by forcing her to watch porn so we could all laugh at her responses to it.  Wendy was a homebody, and she was NOT the kind of person to get into a fight.  Me, maybe.  But not Wendy.

And just like that, the fight was over, thanks to my freaking hero, Wendy.  Stacy would have broken my nose.

I have fished Stacy out on Facebook (we are still very much not friends, although one of her besties is a girl I really like a lot and get along with well), and she owns a hair studio or some such, in a place like Michigan.  I mean, I think I win, Stacy.  I may be poor as a church mouse, but I don't ever have to wash anybody else's hair, and I use mah brayun fo' a livin'.  And I don't have to live in Michigan.  So there's that, too.

But I still just sit in awe, thinking about Wendy - a girl whose first email address was a french phrase that meant "Queen Wendy" or something equally nerdy - a girl whose first car was a mini-van, for Chrissake**, that's the girl that got my back.

But you know what I always say...  fuck the world.

But use a condom.

*Yes, we actually said "lil sis" and "big sis."  I have no idea why it didn't sound douchey to us back then.
** Yes, my first car was also, actually, a minivan.  shut the fuck up.

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