So we are moving. For real this time. Remember that time I gave you a bunch of pictures of a house? The house where I made an offer, and they accepted the offer, then we had an inspection and an appraisal, and all of that went well. Then, after that? They do a title search, and the goddamn title wouldn't clear?
Not that house.
The sad thing is, I still *LOVE* that house. Which sucks.
I don't *LOVE* the house I'm really buying, but it's all right, because it is costing $33,000 less. YES. So I'll find a way to love it, don'tcha think?
It's a good house. It's big. Dedicated playroom FOR THE WIN.
It has a screened in porch where I can drink.
It has granite countertops.
I'm just trying to ignore the fact that it feels dark (can lights!), that it has no fireplace, and that it has a galley kitchen. It has a pantry, I can deal with the kitchen.
Anyway. So it's really happening this time. I mean, I think. Supposed to close this week. Think happy thoughts. Then pay no attention to my insanity as we approach actual moving date. Ugh.
Oh- one more thing. The outside has trim that is teal. TEAL. teal. I shit you not. Ugh.
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