It's been a while, and I need to update what-all is going on.
1) I've started my new job. I like it. It's super fun, the commute isn't as bad as I worried it might be, and it is making me smarter. That said, I've lost a good bit of time (chalk up almost 2 hours/day to commuting, although I technically arrive at work at the same time that I used to do so), so I'm feeling tired. That and the fact that I actually have to think during the day. Combined, I'm tired. But happier. Also, it's New Orleans, and also, there is a bar IN THE OFFICE. Win.
2) Christmas (well, and before that, Thanksgiving) has come and gone. It was the best Christmas I can ever remember. I got some nice things, mostly gift cards and a (much needed, much desired) watch, but the kicker was watching the baby. He was OVER THE MOON with his present from me. So much so that I still get a little misty grin thinking about it. I haven't ever seen him be so happy with one thing before, in all of my life. I got him an iPod, which doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me, but to him, it is the world. And he has been texting me, which is amazing, since he is both adorable and also in Georgia right now. I enjoy staying current with the baby.
3) My marathon is a no-go. I have to work that weekend. This was an enormous blow when I found out, but weeks have gone by and I am no longer that upset. Truth is, that race was going to completely kick my ass. Utterly. So really, I'm better off this way.
That's pretty much my last several months in a nutshell. Couple that with me finding my mother sharing a drink and a smoke with the Kirby salesman and the time she tried very hard to convince me that it would be okay for her to pick up a hitchhiker, you will see that she is the same as she ever was.
Hope all is well with all (both) of you.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and by the way, there is a BAR IN MY OFFICE. Just reminding you that.
Happy days!